Associazione per MITO ETS
MITO SettembreMusica 2022
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Purcell Illuminato
14 settembre 2022, Teatro Filodrammatici
Henry Purcell
Music for a while
Celemene, pray tell me
Sound the trumpet
Ther’s not a swain of the plain
I spy Celia
Shepherd, leave decoying
I take no pleasure
Lost in my quiet
What can we poor females do?
Sweeter than roses
Pious Celinda
Evening Hymn
No, resistance is but vain
Man that is born of a woman
Rivisitazione del basso continuo di Benjamin Britten
Marcella Orsatti Talamanca, soprano
Alessandra Visentin, contralto
Mirko Guadagnini, tenore
Sergio Foresti, basso
Emanuele Delucchi, pianoforte
Foto: Giovanna Rivera